Welcome to the Urethral Stricture Support blog. These pages are intended to assist those with questions regarding the disease, expected outcomes, resources, and emotional and informational support. AT NO TIME WILL MEDICAL ADVICE OF ANY KIND BE RENDERED. With your permission, your commentary may be included within the topics discussed within this forum. Moderators Cesar and Tim have a combined 50 years (celebrating a half-century of difficult urination) of experience in living with, dealing with, and overcoming what is broadly considered a disease with a high rate of morbidity. We have experienced every common surgical and instrumental "fix"/"repair" offered including the implantation of the Urolume Endoprosthesis. Both moderators have experience with the Urolume Endoprosthesis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and only such support group anywhere. Please, do not be afraid or embarrassed to ask any question with regards to your diagnosis. We encourage you to discuss any and all information offered within this blog with your Urologist. A proactive and informed patient usually receives the best care.

With your help, and well-considered posts, the information gleaned from this site should help the countless scores of males aged 18 and over who are encountering the diagnosis of "Urethral Stricture".


DISCLAIMER: We do not provide medical advice. We disseminate information relevant to urethral stricture disease. While we encourage research (and participation in research), we endorse no medication or treatment protocols. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US WITH SPECIFIC QUESTIONS @ urethralstrictures[no spam] at yahoo dot com

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Your urologist is recommending urethrotomy PART 1

If you are a novice at the lifestyle routine of the stricture patient, your first urological surgery per se may cause feelings of anxiety in anticipation of your date with the O.R.  Trust me, put your mind at ease, it's not all that bad, in fact, most everyone with whom I've corresponded would rather undergo a urethrotomy than have an office dilitation (with metal sounds).  Minor disclaimer: the in-dwelling catheter afterwards isn't a walk in the park, but the surgery is not all that uncomfortable.

A day-or-two before the procedure, you'll be ordered to report to the hospital or surgery center for a routine pre-surgery workup, which may include a chest x-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG), blood work (chem 36 profile), an evaluation of pulmonary status, and an anesthesia interview. During the anesthesia interview, an anesthesiologist or certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) will ask questions about your health, your knowledge of the procedure, and your preferences of anesthesia.  You will be given the choice of three options:
  • Procedural sedation: (once referred to as "conscious sedation"), a method of anesthesia which uses a benzodiazepine such as midazolam or diazepam (both members of the Valium family) to relax you during the initial phase of the procedure. The surgeon or anesthetist may also elect to add a narcotic pain medication, usually fentanyl citrate into the IV established soon after your arrival. These meds are all rapidly metabolized, and will allow you to leave the facility within six hours post-procedure.
  • Spinal anesthesia: a method of anesthesia whereby an anesthetic is injected directly into the spinal column for means of blocking the impulses of pain and sensation from the area of the surgical procedure. There are two types of spinal anesthesia, the first is known as an epidural, the second is referred to as a spinal block.  Spinal anesthesia is most often employed in the patient who has contraindications for general anesthesia.
  • General anesthesia, "a.k.a. going under, getting knocked out", a method of anesthesia which today most often employs a hypnotic known as propofol. Yes, the same med which contributed to the death of Michael Jackson, but a medication with a stellar safety record. Sometimes a barbiturate may be employed, however, most anesthesiologists prefer to use propofol becaues it is rapidly metabolized, and allows for the almost immediate awakening of the patient. In the event general anesthesia is selected, an endotracheal tube will be inserted to assure a secure airway.
Stay tuned for chapter two....